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About Us

Our Mission 

The mission of our association; To contribute to the protection of patients' health, to improve their quality of life and to take necessary precautions in matters that threaten health. In line with this mission, it works to provide the highest quality services by organizing new projects according to changing conditions, guided by environmental and social awareness, good communication with patients and civil society management.  _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_


Our Vision 

To be a patient association that follows and applies the developments about Psoriasis, and acts with the spirit of a health professional that always improves itself, and meets the needs of its patients in the best way.

Dayanışma Yumrukları


Name and Center of the Association

Article 1-  Name of the Association :  "Psoriasis Patients Solidarity Association". The headquarters of the association is in Istanbul. The association may open branches in the country and abroad.

The purpose of the association and the fields and forms of work to be carried out by the association in order to achieve this aim, and its field of activity:

Article 2- The association, upon the necessity and requests of the solidarity of psoriasis patients, represents the patients in Turkey by participating in non-profit international organizations working for the public interest, working for psoriasis patients and their relatives, and educating the patient about the disease by operating in the health and social fields related to their disease. was established to raise awareness of the society, to protect the rights of patients, to hold scientific congresses on psoriasis, to enable and develop non-governmental activities related to psoriasis, and to support individuals and organizations working on this issue.

Working Subjects and Forms to be Continued by the Association:

1- To conduct researches for the activation and development of activities,

2- To organize training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels,

3- To obtain all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, to issue publications such as newspapers, magazines, books in line with its objectives and to distribute study and information bulletins to its members,

4- To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery,

5- To carry out fundraising activities and to accept donations from the country and abroad, provided that the necessary permissions are obtained,

6- Establishing and operating economic, commercial and industrial enterprises in order to provide the revenues needed for the realization of the purposes of the Regulation,

7- Opening clubs, establishing social and cultural facilities and furnishing them so that its members can benefit and spend their free time,

8- Meetings, concerts, balls, theater, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining activities etc. to organize or to enable its members to benefit from such activities,

9- Buying, selling, renting, leasing movable and immovable property needed for the activities of the Association and establishing real rights on immovables,

10- Establishing a foundation, establishing a federation or joining an established federation if deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, Establishing facilities that associations can establish with permission by obtaining the necessary permission,

11- To carry out international activities, to be a member of associations or organizations abroad and to collaborate or cooperate with these organizations on a project basis,

12- If deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relationship of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations, to carry out joint projects with public institutions and organizations in their field of duty,

13- Establishing a fund to meet the needs of the members of the association such as food, clothing, other goods and services and short-term credit needs.

SHDD Tüzüğü
Yönetim Kurulu

Yönetim Kurulu 



Süleyman DERYA

2. Başkan


Genel Sekreter


Proje Sorumlusu


Hukuk Sorumlusu


Sağlık Sorumlusu


Kemal ÇEBİ


Turgay GÜVEN








Denetim Kurulu 

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